On December 19th, 2022, Arreon A. Harley-Emerson joined civil rights leader and arts leader Raye Jones Avery to found Elevate Vocal Arts, an arts nonprofit dedicated to exciting, engaging, and inspiring diverse communities, audiences, and performers through the beauty and power of excellent vocal artistry. They started a movement quickly joined by hundreds of vocal artists, educators, scholars, and supporters like you.
For the last two years, EVA has provided workforce development opportunities to Vocal Artists, Vocal Arts Apprentices, and students who tell stories that inspire, activate, and enliven community, civic engagement, and democracy. We want to celebrate these accomplishments and everyone who has supported our mission this Founders Day.
9:00 AM - First Giveaway of the day!
11:00 AM - Live Stream with Elevation Artists
12:00 PM - Musical Performance by Dr. Jillian Harrison-Jones
1:00 PM - Power Hour: all gifts are matched up to $500
2:00 PM - Live Stream with Summer Institute Faculty
3:00 PM - Spoken Word Performance by Dr. Yalonda JD Green
6:00 PM - Special Message from Founder Arreon A. Harley-Emerson
1st Donor: Receive two tickets to an Elevation concert of your choosing
25th Donor: Receive a Bent But Not Broken T-shirt signed by Elevate Vocal Arts staff
50th Donor: Send a singing-gram to a recipient of your choosing from a member of Elevation
All New Monthly Donors: Join the Fifth Section and receive priority seating at Elevation concerts and early access to our 2025 Webinar series
Donors who push us over the $500, $1,000, and $2,500 marks: Receive a physical copy of Elevation's sophomore Album, Are You Looking For Me?
All donations over $50: Receive a physical copy of Elevation's sophomore Album, Are You Looking For Me?
All donations over $100: Receive a physical copy of Elevation's sophomore Album, Are You Looking For Me?, and two tickets to an Elevation concert of your choosing
All donations over $150: Receive a physical copy of Elevation's sophomore Album, Are You Looking For Me?, two tickets to an Elevation concert of your choosing, and a singing-gram to a recipient of your choosing from a member of Elevation
All donations over $250: Receive one complimentary registration to the Bent But Not Broken 3.5 Conference
All donations over $500: Receive your choice of a voice or conducting lesson from a member of EVA staff.
First donation over $1,000: Cocktails and dinner hosted by Founder & Artistic Director Arreon A. Harley-Emerson
At Elevate Vocal Arts (EVA), we believe that everyone can contribute to our mission of transforming lives through the power of vocal arts. Your support enables us to create and expand creative workforce development opportunities, inspire communities, and strengthen our democracy through the power of vocal arts.