Bent But Not Broken

Next hosted on March 18, 2025 in Dallas, Texas

"Bent But Not Broken aims to be the community and artistic summit that will make visible—and audible—the works of Black voices.”
—Arreon A. Harley-Emerson, Founder

More than a conference 

Introducing BBNB!

Bent But Not Broken is a movement elevating Black vocal artists' musical contributions and accomplishments across time and genres. Now in its third year, BBNB offers full-length and abbreviated conferences with interest sessions, immersion choirs, panel discussions, honor choirs, and performances.

BBNB also hosts online events throughout the year aimed at developing an understanding of the interlocking concepts of self-workhomework, and hard work.

Join the movement today!

Memories from previous BBNB conferences

Support Us
Elevate Vocal Arts (EVA) provides workforce development opportunities to Vocal Artists and Vocal Arts Apprentices who tell stories that inspire.